Southern Boone Area YMCA #HereForGood
Southern Boone Area YMCA #HereForGood

Body Analysis/Consultation

When you step on a scale and see that you’ve lost 2 pounds, what did you really lose? 2 pounds of fat? Muscle? Water? Analyzing your weight by measuring your body composition allows you to truly understand the changes in your body weight with accurate and reproducible results. Recieve a personalized report report that informs you on where your health stands. Take the InBody test to monitor and track your progress. It only takes 45 seconds, the InBody Test will help you understand your weight, measure your strength, and set your goals!

INBODY RESULTS – Total Body Fitness Assessment & Consultation –
The InBody will let you see what you’re made of. The full page results will help you find motivation to achieve your goals by reporting your individual composition (in pounds and percentage) of body fat, segmental muscle distribution, BMI and basal metabolic rate. Contact Jake Katnik at 573.657.9622 ext. 303 or today to schedule an appointment.

Members receive two free InBody assessments each year!


  • Y-Member: 2 Free/Year; $10/InBody after 2 in a year
  • Non-member: $10 each

InBody 270 User Brochure

For more information or questions, please contact Jake Katnik at or call at 573.657.9622 ext 303.