Limited to 15 participants per session
*A $25 late fee will be assessed after deadline.
Batter up! Little Hitters is a program that will introduce tee-ball. Our program teaches basics of catching, throwing and hitting in a fun, supportive environment. Boost your child’s skills, confidence and love for the game!
AGE: 3 – 6 years old
SESSION: April 3rd – 22nd
DAYS: Monday and Wednesday
TIME: Age 3-4 6:00-6:35 p.m. / Age 5-6 6:45-7:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Southern Boone Primary Gym
*Enter through North gym doors.
FEE: $45 Y-member; $70 Non-member – toss and stick included
*All participants need to wear tennis shoes. Baseball/Softball gloves are encouraged, but not required.
*Parents of the 3 or 4 years old may be asked to help during the clinic.